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One of the principal features of Yunior’s circumstances in the story is his sense of enduring isolation, both physical and emotional. This seems somewhat contradictory, as the story forms its narrative around many different dates that Yunior has had with different people, but the story repeatedly draws attention to the ways in which Yunior is both literally and figuratively isolated. For example, the narrative begins with the departure of Yunior’s mother and brother, leaving Yunior alone in their apartment, and by the end of the story, they have not yet returned. In the narrative, Yunior is operating completely independently, and he strives to find a sense of connectedness with others when he is not with his family, but the story depicts this endeavor as an enduring struggle. The narration comments, “You are not good at talking to people you don’t know” (146), and the narrative demonstrates how this trait of Yunior’s is symptomatic of a larger sense of isolation.