How Long 'til Black Future Month?

Who is the main character in the story titled, Red Dirt Witch, from the collection, How Long ‘til Black Future Month?


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Emmaline is the main character in "Red Dirt Witch." She lives in Birmingham, Alabama in the 1960's and is the mother of three children. Her magical herbs and plants protect their home from the fey people. Her nemesis is of the fey folk, the White Lady. Emmaline is strong and resilient, and deeply loving. She is also a figure of great self-sacrifice. When her daughter, Pauline, makes a deal with the White Lady, Emmaline exhibits great courage and takes her daughter's place as a servant to the White Lady. Because of her act of bravery and compassion, Pauline becomes a major figure in the Civil Rights' movement. Emmaline represents the older generation making room for the younger. She saw herself as being too passive to create change. She represents a quiet, subtle form of strength: the kind that nurtures others to grow and makes personal sacrifices for the greater community.


How Long ‘til Black Future Month