How Long 'til Black Future Month?

Who is the main character in the story titled, Cloud dragon Skies, from the collection, How Long ‘til Black Future Month?


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Nahautu is the main character in "Cloud Dragon Skies." She is the daughter of the village chief and is very wise for her years. Other men in her village tribe are intimidated and threatened by her strengths. She believes the sky is made up of dragons, and has a very intimate relationship to nature. Like her father, she sees the natural world not as something to control, but something that is alive in its own right. She falls in love one of the sky-scientists. She tries to convenience him that what he is doing is foolish, but he will not listen to her. Rather than feeling anger and hate toward him when he destroys the sky and her home, she feels pity and compassion. When she moves to the Ring, she becomes a storyteller and guide for those who are lost. Even though she lost her earth and her father and everything she has ever loved, she is still able to find solace in her tales and the memory of what was.


How Long ‘til Black Future Month