How It Went Down

How do the media and police work together to paint a picture of Tariq’s character? Why do the police visit Tariq’s house?

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In context, the police and the media contribute to the outside attempts to make T seem as if he was something he wasn't. The police keep looking for ways to tie T in with gangs and theft, even to the point of trying to convince the store owner to tell them that T was carrying a gun. Make note, however, that the shooter is not a member of the police, and that he assumed T had a gun. He was also freed by the police, and the shooting itself was deemed an act of self-defense. In addition, the store clerk, Rocky, was not a direct witness.... he walked away from the confrontation because he did not want to become involved. All in all, the individual records are conflicting. Everyone has a different story.

The police go to T's home to inform his mother, Vernesha, that he has been shot.


How It Went Down