Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow

What is the author's perspective in the nonfiction book, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow?


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Harari is an Israeli historian primarily concerned with the broad cognitive and societal development of the human species. Though he relies on scientific knowledge to make his arguments, Harari writes primarily from a historical perspective. He draws on an understanding of how humanity developed in the past to predict what will occur in our future. His perspective is generally neutral, as he attempts to examine the entirety of human experience and society. Simultaneously, his viewpoint may be somewhat limited by his status as a white male living in a highly developed country. His argument that artificial intelligence is on the brink of drastically changing human life may be less persuasive in societies with less access to computers and other modern technology. Harari also devotes a significant portion of one chapter to describing the experience of domesticated livestock, suggesting a strong personal interest in this issue.

