Hole in My Life

Do you think Gantos' end justified his means? Why or why not?

hole in my life book

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Last updated by Jill W
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This question calls for your opinion, there is no right or wrong answer. Look at Gantos' life.... his failiures, and his accomplishments. Would having his family stay in one place stopped his subsequent introduction to drugs? Would parental supervision and involvement supported keeping him on the right track? Did his friend's betrayal and theft of his money send him over the edge... cause the sense of desperation that led him to smuggling?

If you look at these questions, we would have to say that all of these things affected the man that Gantos became. In the end, it is his sense of optimism and determination that leads to his success, thus, in my opinion, he would have discovered that success sooner or later (likely sooner), as a result of his individual traits.

Note, others might disagree and believe that Gantos' trouble afforded him opportunites, and his time in prison set him on the right path.


Hole In My Life