A History of Western Philosophy


affect of religion on philosophy

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Philosophical doctrines unveiled human interest to understand and explain the world. In its search for explanations that were to clarify existence it was to propose viable views on how to deal with the world. It comprehensiveness of various areas had a major impact on the system of thought and methods present in thinking. There was always an underlying assumption of some cosmic interference in human affairs as part of their existence. As such, philosophy apprehended an influential character. Some philosophers regarded themselves as gods, others claimed their interference. As religion was also a form of organisation, it proved a powerful factor in motivating human behaviour.

Throughout various stages of development, religion played various roles in helping to deal with personal issues, external circumstances, while forming certain perceptions that rendered a certain view of the world. Philosophy influenced religion as well as became influenced by religion. Both impacts shaped the way philosophy developed. Used as part of doctrines formulated by the Church, it was then incorporated for political means. When used for practical and political achievements, it lost its vital role in providing what was its essential predestination, such as the search for truth.

