Heaven's Prisoners

Who is Eddie Keats and Toot from Heaven's Prisoners and what is their importance?

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Eddie Keats is a thug and contract killer who owns a few bars, pimps, and sells drugs. Vaguely associated with Bubba Rocque, Eddie Keats is a more-or-less free agent who keeps out of others' business and lives a life of crime. Originally from New York, he talks with a funny accent, uses strange idioms, and is glaringly out of place in the bayou. He wears cowboy boots and jeans. He is loud, obnoxious, and full of bluster. Keats works as a strong man for Claudette Rocque and is directed by Victor Romero. Keats and Toot beat up Dave early in the novel, and Dave then seeks out and beats up Keats. Keats accompanies Romero on the attempted murder of Dave and participates in the murder of Annie. For his troubles, Keats is in turn murdered by Romero who attempts to frame Dave for Keats' death.