Hearts in Atlantis

symbol of Peace Sign


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The peace sign is interpreted as a symbol both of peace and cowardice. It is also a sign of change. In “Hearts in Atlantis,” Pete, Nate, and Skip first see the peace sign on the back of Stokely’s jacket. At that time they do not know what it is or that it will be a symbol that will represent the conflicts in the coming years. Nate learns that the symbol is the imposition of two British Navy semaphores, the letters “N” and “D,” on top of each other. The letters stand for nuclear disarmament. The symbol was created for the British Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. Dearie incorrectly argues that the symbol is a broken cross and that it represents the communist party. It is used by American anti-war supporters to identify their desire for peace. To some people, the symbol was a sign of cowardice. In “Blind Willie,” for instance, Willie has a poster in his office that indicates the peace sign is the “track of the great American chicken.” In the minds of people who believed the war was justifiable, they believed those who protested war were just too scared to fight for their country.