Heart Berries

What is the narrator point of view in the nonfiction book, Heart Berries?


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Heart Berries is written in the first person limited omniscient entirely from the perspective of Terese Marie Malihot. Not only does she not use the perspective of others, she also refrains from intimating their feelings. Because of this choice, there is little insight into the internal lives of the secondary characters. At times when Mailhot does describe what she thinks others are thinking, readers are left to wonder if those are their true thoughts, or if they are merely Terese's perception of their thoughts. This one-sided perspective is further reinforced by the fact that there is limited use of verbatim dialogue in the book, and that characters therefore speak for themselves only rarely. By framing the narrative almost entirely through her own lens, it is clear that Heart Berries is intended to express Mailhot's opinion, feelings, and interpretation of events.

