Hate List

Hate List Novel Protagonist and description of Valerie in Hate List

Protagonist and description of valarie in hate list

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Valerie is the protagonist in the novel, Hate List. She is a senior in high school as the novel begins. Five months previously, Valerie's boyfriend went on a shooting rampage in the Commons, the cafeteria at Garvin High School. When Valerie realized what Nick was doing, she stopped him. However, before she could stop him, Nick killed six people and injured dozens of others. In the aftermath, it becomes public that Valerie and Nick kept a notebook of names they called the hate list and that many of those who were injured or killed were on the list. As a result, Valerie is initially placed under investigation by the police in the belief that she helped plan Nick's rampage. In the end, however, Valerie is cleared of charges in large part because two of the students went to the police and insisted Valerie never shot anyone.

In the aftermath of Nick's shooting, Valerie finds herself struggling with her own guilt in connection to the hate list as well as grieving for Nick and struggling to prove to those around her that she can be trusted. Even Valerie's parents no long trust Valerie and fear daily that she might continue what Nick started. When Valerie returns to school she finds herself a complete outcast. Valerie's old friends do not want her around and feel as though she should have seen it coming in the very least.

One person still believes in Valerie and wants to be her friend. However, this girl, Jessica Campbell, was on the list more than once. Valerie saved Jessica's life the day of the shooting, but not because she consciously wanted to save Jessica but because she did not want to see anyone killed. In response, Jessica has become Valerie's biggest supporter and wants Valerie to help plan a memorial for the victims, both living and dead. This only adds to Valerie's struggles to heal, but in the end Jessica plays a big role in Valerie's healing.

