Harvesting Ballads

How does Baldwin inspire loyalty in his workers in the novel, Harvesting Ballads?


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A loyal man, Baldwin inspires loyalty in those who work for him. He believes— and acts on his belief—that "A man shouldn't look down on another man. But rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth." And on that note he hires Mackey, a dwarf who is the butt of practical jokes by the "townies." Mackey moves in with Baldwin and becomes his loyal retainer—and labors hard in all the things that he can do and becomes the nearest thing that Baldwin has to a confidant. Baldwin acquires other "loyal retainers" such as Malachi and Viola who cook, keep house, tend the gardens and the chickens, help with the farm work, and do the chores as necessary. They are all a loyal team.

