Handling Sin

What is the author's style in Handling Sin: A Novel by Michael Malone?

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The author has used this story to demonstrate the proper use of unusual words, a feature that may be poking fun at other authors who use unusual words in contexts not calling for them. The character of Weeper, who is always whining about his terrible digestive problems, emphasizes this possibility. Weeper has memorized the dictionary from A to C, but does not understand how to properly use the words he knows. An implication is established that he, like some other authors, bites off more than he can assimilate. These tricks with language bring out sarcasm in an indirect and implied way, which is more kind than bluntly stating that some writers do not know what they are doing. Any darn fool can use a thesaurus, the author seems to be demonstrating. The best writers use unusual words to clarify and compress, not to confound.