Gypsy Rizka

What is the main setting in the novel, Gypsy Rizka?


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The events of Gypsy Rizka take place in and near Greater Dunitsa: Greater Dunitsa boasted a spacious public square with an excellent horse trough in the middle. The town clock, which frequently told the right time, was much admired. For the comfort of travelers, Mr. Farkas provided a luxurious inn: the only one, but who needed another? The town barber, Mr. Pugash, had invented his own amazingly aromatic hair oil. The highly educated Mr. Mellish taught the young folk and occasionally strummed the zither. Big Franko, the blacksmith, could straighten a horseshoe with his bare hands. Not to be overlooked: all the rest of the town's diligent, public-spirited citizens.

