Going Too Far

Who is Meg from Going Too Far and what is their importance?

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Meg is a 17-year-old girl, living in a small town in Alabama outside the city of Birmingham. Her parents own the local diner. Meg dies her hair blue and she wears clothes that show off her body. She drinks alcohol and occasionally smokes pot with Eric.
When Meg was 13, she contracted Leukemia. She hides this secret from everyone that she knows. Ever since her diagnosis, she has been dying her hair strange colors and rebelling against her parents who forced her into treatment.
Meg is also claustrophobic. She faints when she is contained in small places or feels trapped. Later, Meg tells John this is because the policemen strapped her to a stretcher and forced her to go to her chemotherapy when she tried to run away from her parents. She is also rather promiscuous, having sex with Eric just for the sake of having sex. Meg realizes what true love is and what it feels like to share sex with someone she loves when she falls in love with John.