Full Throttle: Stories

What is style/ language of text?


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The use of language and its meaning throughout the anthology shifts with perspectives and functions as a signifier of culture, time, age, mood, and tone. By adopting the jargon of the characters’ world, the narrators allow access into their perceptions and understanding. The language of veterans “Throttle,” like referring to civilian life as “the World,” invites the reader into a subculture of American society (20). In a similar way, the language used over the radio and amongst the pilots in “You Are Released,” like “ZMP airspace,” signals their shared knowledge in a particular profession. In broader terms, the language used in “Wolverton Station,” like “scally cap” and “telly,” are unfamiliar to American readers and signal a shift in larger culture, which in this case is British, not American. The unfamiliar phraseology of the creatures in “Faun” signal a new world entirely: “Someone may yet revive her with the breath of kings so she may lead us against the poisoner, General Gorm, and free the lands of Palinode at last!” (155).