Frightful's Mountain

What challenges do the characters Frightful, Sam, and Mole encounter in Chapter 15, and how do they overcome them

Help me plz !

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1) Skri and Bate arrive impersonating park rangers, they've come to poach.

2) The poachers try to kill Mole, and Sam finds out they're staying near John Burroughs house.

3) Sam gets the license plate number for Skri and Bate's truck and reports them.

4) The police arrive and arrest the poachers.

5) Frightful's eyases are discovered to be safe, and they will be raised and set free by Perry Knowlton.

6) Sam tries the intervene on behalf of the eyases, but he cannot fight the law.

7) Frightful's babies will not be returned to her.


Frightful's Mountain