Frightful's Mountain

Frightful's Mountain, what happened Ch 2 evidence?

Frightfuls mountain

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Frightful Goes to Falcon School – Frightful follows Chup high into the sky, then leaves him, looking for her home mountain with Sam on it. When a female goshawk comes after Frightful, she returns to Chup. They both come down on cliffs above the Schoharie River. Chup is very respectful to Frightful, and she thanks him. Chup then tends to three baby falcons, called eyases, feeding them, and gives Frightful some food as well. Chup’s mate had gone out several days before, but had never come back. Chup knew then he must care for the young and find a new mate.

For Chup, with Frightful, everything is back to normal. For Frightful, little is familiar, for she has been raised by a person, not falcons. She settles down in the nest to cuddle with the eyases, and to keep them warm. The littlest, a male named Drum, snuggles close. The other two, Lady and Duchess, do as well. Within an hour, they are hungry again. Chup brings back food, and expects Frightful to feed the babies. Frightful does not know what to do, so Chup feeds them. He goes out to catch a pigeon. Frightful begins feeding Drum, and gets used to it, though Chup must feed Lady and Duchess. Weeks pass, the babies grow and are able to feed themselves from the food Chup and Frightful bring back. As they hunt, Frightful senses she should hunt other birds like ducks, but has not been trained to do so. Instead, she watches below as Mole roots up a rabbit, and then snatches it away before Mole can eat it. Annoyed, Mole barks after Frightful as she flies away with the rabbit.

Chup led Frightful higher and higher, to the misty bottom of a fair-weather cumulus cloud. Frightful left him. The fuzziness of clouds, even thin clouds, was dis¬ tracting to her. She liked clear air.

In a flash, game in her talons, Frightful and the rabbit were in the air. She flew several hundred feet before coming down.


Frightful's Mountain