Freaky Friday

What is the Theme for Freaky Friday?

Freaky Friday

Freaky Friday

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Last updated by Jill W
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Thematically, this novel is all about family and relationships. It's about the universal mother/daughter conflict that appears during the teenage years..... the time when Moms hold on and daughters think they're old enough, smart enough, and experienced enough to break free. Freaky Friday attacks this conflict head on.... and it illustrates this changing relationship in a pretty accurate manner. Every teenage girl fights with her mother, tests the boundaries, and igores direction in one way or another.

Another theme is that of sibling rivalry, though the rivalry between Annabel and Ben is one sided (her side) and based on Annabel's jealousy of the little boy who adores her.

Lastly, the theme of responsibility comes into play, illustrating the lack of respect children have for their parents work..... something that is not limited to the occupation that pays for the food, the clothing, and the housing required to keep a family afloat. Annabel sees her mother as being free to do what she pleases, never taking into consideration that work is a sixteen hour day that does not end when she punches out and comes home. Coming home simply means it's time for laundry, cooking, cleaning, and homework, as well as trying to find the time to spend with her children.

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Freaky Friday