Forward the Foundation

What is Helicon


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The outer world of the Milky Way Galaxy on which mathematician Hari Seldon is born, raised, and educated, Helicon is located on the opposite side of a Galactic center from the capital planet, Trantor. Hari notes that after eight years on Trantor he still cannot overcome one characteristic of Helicon's accent. Hari tells of a political movement on Helicon some 2,400 years ago, the Globalists, that declares Helicon the only inhabited planet in the universe. It is the universe and anything that apparently comes from outside is a mirage. They are immune to reason. At their peak of influence, the Globalists represent a rabid 10% of the population. As a result of rejecting trade with the Empire, Helicon's economy suffers and people reject Globalism. Remnants remain and occasionally meet in congresses.