First Rule of Punk

In Chapter 16, which detail does the author provide to show how Malu, Joe and Benny act with each other. And how they respond to conflict? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

Plin hapter 16 how does the author provide to show us how malu Joe ad Benny act with eachother and how they respond to conflict makr sure to use evidence from the text

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In Chapter Sixteen, Joe introduces Malu to Benny. He plays trumpet in the band. Joe and Benny had played in a mariachi band together when they were younger. Benny agrees to join Malu and Joe and they begin discussing names. Selena interrupts when she arrives with some friends. They are all – including the boys – wearing candy necklaces. Malu believes they look “Like a pack of clones that escaped from Willy Wonka's factory” (132). Selena has been making comments about a coconut to Malu, but she does not understand until Benny explains that Selena is saying Malu is “brown on the outside, white on the inside” (134). Malu, Joe and Benny begin discussing names again. Joe suggests they call themselves the Coconuts, and Malu amends it to the Co-cos, saying it is “totally punk rock” and that it turns Selena's insult around. Malu is going to sing while Benny and Joe play their instruments. They agree they need a drummer and Malu goes to find Ellie, who is working on her petition. Ellie says she does not know how to play drums, but when Malu says it would look good on a college application and that she will help Ellie with her petition, Ellie agrees to learn to play and join the band.

