First Blood

Who is Rambo from First Blood and what is their importance?

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The author never gives the reader more information on Rambo other than his last name. There is no first name or even his rank while he was in the Green Berets. Instead, the author introduces his main character by his last name only, not telling the reader that Rambo is a Vietnam vet who suffered in a POW camp in Vietnam until the story has already begun to unfold, misleading the reader almost as much as Sheriff Teasle allows himself to be misled by Rambo's reluctance to share his name and history.
Rambo is suffering from what is now called post traumatic stress syndrome. In the 70s, this was not a diagnosed disorder and therefore there was no treatment for it. However, Rambo suffers from his memories of war, the horrible things he went through as a POW and during his harrowing escape. Rambo returns home to a country that is unhappy with the war and therefore treats heroes such as Rambo with indifference at best, with open distain at worst. For these reasons, Rambo has taken to walking cross country with no destination in mind, with no desire to settle down, get a job, or even shave his long, shaggy beard.
When Rambo arrives in Sheriff Teasle's town, he is viewed because of his appearance as a bum who will be a source of crime at worst and a burden on society at the least. For this reason, Teasle quickly attempts to run Rambo out of town. Rambo has experienced this treatment numerous times before and has come to the end of his ability to tolerate such disrespect. For this reason, Rambo continuously returns to town until Sheriff Teasle arrests him. Rambo then panics when Teasle tries to cut his hair, the act causing Rambo to flash back to the abuse he suffered at the hands of his Vietnamese captors.
Rambo has been trained in warfare and is quite an expert at running, hiding, and fighting. For this reason, Teasle and his men are quickly out matched when they attempt to capture Rambo a second time. Rambo is now angry and he uses all his knowledge to make Teasle suffer for his mistreatment. However, Rambo is badly injured and he overestimates Teasle, resulting in a battle that both are destined to lose.