First Blood

Who is Orval Kellerman from First Blood and what is their importance?

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Orval Kellerman is a dog expert who has trained his six dogs to track prey in a variety of environments. When Rambo escapes the jail, Sheriff Teasle calls him and asks him to help track the escapee. However, Orval and Teasle have recently experienced tension in their long relationship, causing this tension to spill into their search for Rambo. Orval is growing older and he feels that he must prove himself, therefore he often argues with Orval over how he conducts himself as Sheriff. In the end, Orval and Teasle argue when Rambo fires on them, killing several of Orval's dogs. These are the last words they are to share because Rambo then shoots Orval and he slowly dies, not of the gun wound, but of drowning when a sudden storm washes him over the side of the cliff. This death gives Teasle even more motivation to find and stop Rambo.