First Blood

What is the author's style in First Blood by David Morrell?

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The novel is written in the third-person omniscient point of view. The author tells his story through the eyes of two characters, Rambo and Teasle. The novel begins with some authorial voice as the author tells the reader that Rambo will soon be a wanted man, but this authorial voice is limited to this section of the novel and does not return.

The point of view of this novel works well with the plot because the author allows the reader to get to know both the main characters of the novel in an intimate way, allowing the reader access to their thoughts and emotions, showing the reader the emotional struggle both undergo through the conflict that drives them through the plot. The point of view also allows the reader some insight on the characters as they think back on their past, revealing to the reader not only their immediate thoughts and feelings, but events in the past that have shaped their personalities and brought them to this place in time.


First Blood