Finding Nouf

Who is Othman Shrawi from Finding Nouf and what is their importance?

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Othman Shrawi is an adopted son of the wealthy Shrawi family. His younger sister, Nouf, has run away from home and died in the desert or so he's been told. But the examiner's report shows that Nouf also suffered head wounds and that she drowned in a wadi in the desert, which suggests that she was already unconscious. Othman asks his fiancée, Katya, and his best friend Nayir, to conduct a secret investigation to figure out what happened to Nouf.
Increasingly throughout the book, Othman acts suspiciously and inconsistent with how Nayir and Katya would expect him to act. Eventually, Nayir learns that Othman was in love with Nouf and he was the father of her baby. He is acting bizarre not because he killed her, but because he mourns her death. He hired Nayir to search the desert and wanted Katya to run the samples because he wanted to know what happened to Nouf.