Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan

what special scene happens at the end of the book?

What special event happens at the end of the book

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On the day of her birthday Esperanza wakes to the sound of men singing the birthday song outside her window. Later in the day she begins to show Isabel how to crochet with the same words her mother had used to teach her.

The final chapter completes the cycle of events much as the earth completes its seasonal cycle before starting over. Esperanza's life parallels that of the rising of the Phoenix. Just as Miguel turns out to be a hero for bringing Abuelita from Mexico after being the suspect of a crime, Esperanza turns her life around after being portrayed as a spoiled child, who has always been cared for. The cycle is also completed as Esperanza finished the blanket she had been crocheting and begins to teach Isabel how to crochet.