Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan

What does Esperanza's response to the challenge on pages 139–143 tell us about her as a person? Cite evidence from the text to support your answer.

Las Ciruelas (Plums)

Pages 139-157

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Last updated by Jill W
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In Chapter Eight, Esperanza spends her first day alone with the two babies. At first, she is proud of herself and that she is at least contributing in some way. However, she gives the babies raw plums that make them sick. To make matters worse, she forgets to add water to the pot of beans on the stove as she was asked, so they are burned and the pot blackened. She saves most of the beans, and remembers when she was little and sick Hortensia would give her rice water. She makes some for the babies and that seems to help them, and her day ends a little better than it started. As Esperanza tackles her challenges, we begin to see a new side of her personality. She makes mistakes, but, for the first time, begins to solve them on her own. It is also noted that the babies she is caring for adore her, and her duties as their babysitter are being accomplished very well.


Esperanza Rising