Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan

Describe Mama's health after the dust storm.

Las Ciruelas (Plums)

Pages 139-157

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Esperanza's mother has changed. Ever since the storm, she has become even sicker and continues to cough all the time.

A month passes and Esperanza's mother continues to worsen. She refuses to see a doctor, because they are so expensive. Finally, she gets a terrible fever and cannot be wakened, so a young American doctor is summoned to the camp. He is grim after seeing Mama, and announces she has valley fever. He explains to them that the fever is caused by dust spores, which get into your lungs, and that most people can fight off the infection. However, some people get very ill and cannot recover. Esperanza cannot believe what she is hearing. After the death of her father, surely this cannot be happening to her.