Esperanza Rising

On page 90, Esperanza is in California, driving to the camp. What specifically does she see? How does she react to this new setting? Find details from the text to explain your answer.

page 81-99

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As the family arrives at their new home, Marta jumps out of the truck and starts talking in English, pointing at Esperanza, and laughing with her friends. Esperanza feels very uncomfortable, not being used to this kind of ridicule. As they are shown their extremely meager cabin, Esperanza continues to loudly complain that there is not enough room, everything smells like onions, and they will be living like horses. In the adjacent room, Hortensia and Alfonso hear her and stop talking. So, Mama shuts the door, sits Esperanza down on a creaky cot and begins to explain to her that they made the choice to be here, and they must make the best of it.

What are 5 things Esperanza should be grateful about in chapters 1-5 and what page