Enrique's Journey

What has caused this strange behavior in Enrique?

Maria Isabel sees Enrique change. His mouth becomes sweaty and sticky. He is jumpy and nervous. His eyes grow red. Sometimes they are glassy, half-closed. Other times he looks drunk. If she asks a question, the response is delayed. His temper is quick. Often he grows quiet, sleepy, and distant. Other times he becomes hysterical and insulting. Sometimes he hallucinates that someone is chasing him.

What has caused this strange behavior in Enrique?

answer choices:
  • He is suffering from health issues like his mother.
    He is suffering from health issues like his mother.
  • He drank unclean water and is in a state of sepsis.
    He drank unclean water and is in a state of sepsis.
  • He is taking heroin and other drugs.
    He is taking heroin and other drugs.
  • He is sniffing glue and getting high.
    He is sniffing glue and getting high.
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Last updated by Cat
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He is taking heroin and other drugs.