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Chapter 1 is titled “A Visit from Kitty Protective Services.” Lil' Petey and 80-HD are in the ballroom of Dog Man's doghouse. They are working on the Dogmobile and a hydraulic roof ramp. 80-HD claps his hands, which makes the roof open to reveal the ramp. Dog Man enters the room with a tray of food, and Lil' Petey says they have transformed the room from a ballroom to a club house and that the three of them will be called “the Supa buddies” (16). Lil' Petey says they will assume secret identities. He has a cape and a piece of paper with drawn eyes that he says completely changes how 80-HD looks. Lil' Petey's super identity will be Cat Kid, while Dog Man will be the Bark Night and 80-HD will be Lightning Dude.”

They stop to eat breakfast. Lil' Petey has cream and cat food, Dog Man has dog food and gravy; 80-HD has nuts, bolts, and motor oil. Lil' Petey suggests they eat in a “Flip-E-Rama,” and the author explains that these are two pages, back-to-back, that show action when the reader flips between them. Just then the doorbell rings. Dog Man rushes down several flights of stairs barking. Lil' Petey barks as well. Outside, they encounter a gray cat with a moustache and glasses who commands them to stop barking. The cat says he is from Kitty Protective Services, and that Lil' Petey has to be in school. Dog Man growls. The cat says Dog Man could be fined or go to jail, but nothing phases him until the cat says Lil' Petey might be taken away. Lil' Petey assures Dog Man he will be fined and leaves with the cat. Dog Man and 80-HD sit together,

Lil' Petey says “Hi, Papa” (30) to the cat. For about a dozen panels, the cat argues that he is not Lil' Petey's papa, but eventually gives in and takes off his disguise, revealing Petey. Petey then says that he is not Lil' Petey's papa, because Lil' Petey is his clone. Petey says they have to leave town. Though Lil' Petey continues to interrupt, Petey continues to try to talk. Finally, he demands that Lil' Petey be quiet while “I finish telling my story” (36).

