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Dog Man is a crime-fighting hero who works for the police department. When a cop named Officer Knight and a dog named Greg were injured in a bomb explosion, the doctors said Greg's body was dying and Officer Knight's head was dying. They sewed Greg's head on Officer Knight's body, creating Dog Man, who had the best crime-fighting features of the man and the dog. Dog Man does not talk, but he occasionally barks. He does have many dog traits, such as jumping on the Chief because he is glad to see his friend. The other cops treat Dog Man a lot like a dog, including getting him excited to perform specific tasks.

Dog Man is always trying to do the right thing, and he always ends up being a hero who saves the day, though he sometimes blunders his way into victory. When he is trying to rush to save Li'l Petey, he winds up being in the air on a hang glider at exactly the right time to save Petey from being dropped into a volcano. Dog Man is usually predictable, and readers will find him likable.