Does My Head Look Big In This?

What major decision does Amal, the protagonist of the novel, make at the beginning of the narrative?

Does My Head Look Big In This?

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Amal is working out on her family's treadmill while watching an episode of the television show Friends, when she suddenly has an epiphany. Rachel's courage to leap onstage at ex-boyfriend's wedding and sing "Copacabana" in an ugly bridesmaids' gown inspires Amal to decide to wear "hijab, the head-scarf, full time" (1). Amal explains to the reader that she felt a jolt of courage go through her in this moment. She explains that this had occurred at 4:30 the previous afternoon and that now it is 3:20 in the morning. She is lying awake, watching television while she agonizes over whether she has "the guts do it" (2).


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