Dodger (novel)

What is the setting of the novel, Dodger?


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The physical setting of this story is the city of London, England in the early portion of Queen Victoria's reign, probably in the mid 1800's. The majority of the story takes place in the span of just a few days, between the time that Dodger hears Simplicity screaming in the storm as she jumps from a carriage into a London street until the time that he arranges for her death to be faked in the London sewers.

While there are a variety of settings in the novel, the major setting is the London sewer system. Dodger is in the sewers when he hears Simplicity's screams and comes to her rescue. It is also in the sewers that Dodger is able to do his best thinking. It makes sense that Dodger would choose the sewers, which is his territory, as the setting for his rescue of Simplicity. It is also in the sewers that Dodger witnesses Grandad's death, and realizes that is not the sort of life that he wants for himself.

Other settings in the novel include Henry Mayhew's house, Solomon's attic room, Angela's house, the embassy and the palace of Queen Victoria. The offices of the Morning Chronicle where Dodger subdues a burglar, Sweeney Todd's barbershop, and Parliament are also important settings in the story.

