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Tragedy will mark Gertrude's otherwise privileged life with the death of her mother when Gertrude is only three-years-old. Gertrude forms an extraordinarily close bond with her father which will continue until her death. When Mr. Bell remarries, Gertrude forms a cautious and polite relationship with her stepmother but it drastically pales in comparison to the feelings Gertrude has for her father. Gertrude has one brother, Maurice, a stepbrother, Hugo, and two stepsisters, Molly and Elsa.

Gertrude is an exceedingly gifted child and goes away to the all-girl Queen's College in London at the age of seventeen. Gertrude loves her newfound independence but must return home for three years of social seasons with the objective of securing a proper husband. When a suitable match is not secured, Gertrude goes to Oxford University where she excels in her subjects, especially history. In the hopes of finding a husband for Gertrude, the family sends her to a relative in Romania for another social season. Gertrude does fall in love with a young man but her father will not consent to the marriage so Gertrude takes control of her life and decides to travel the world to explore.