Death of a Salesman

What is the plot structure in Death of a Salesman?

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Inciting incident: both boys come home to visit and their father believes that neither have lived up to expectations.

Rising Action: Willy can't drive any more and Linda urges him to work from home if possible. (there are loads more rising action..they all occur between the inciting incident and the climax).

Climax: Biff tells Willy that he has no intentions of becoming a salesman or doing anything remotely dealing with business. Willy's just been fired (though no one knows it). Willy realizes that his son does truly love him.

Falling Action: Willy starts talking to his dead brother, Ben.

Resolution: both boys now know what it is that they want to do with their lives: Biff decides to follow his heart and work outdoors, while Happy decides to start a business like his father.