Dear Martin

Justyce and Manny go to Blake's house for his birthday party. What was the impetus for Justyce's arguments with Blake, Jared, and Manny? Have these fights been brewing for a while? Support your argument with evidence from the text.

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Manny takes Justyce to Blake’s birthday party as a distraction, sadly he has alreay been drinking. Every detail of the party enrages Justyce..... from the racist lawn jockeys by the front door to the vintage blackface posters in the basement. When Blake greets them by asking for their help to get a “fine-ass black girl” upstairs once she “meets my niggas,” Justyce explodes with anger (90). Blake tells Justyce to calm down: Manny does not “make everything about race” (91). As Jared, Blake, and their friends make disparaging comments about his background and Manny does nothing, Justyce punches Blake in the face. By the time Justyce sees straight, the ensuing fight has left everyone from Manny to Jared with a facial injury. Justyce accuses Manny of being “just as bad as they are” for trying to stop the fight (93). Justyce walks down the road. Manny drives up and tells Justyce that if he cares at all about their friendship he will get in. Manny opens the passenger door, but Justyce walks away.


Dear Martin