Dear Evan Hansen

Dear Evan Hansen

get 2 quotes from the book Dear Evan Hansen and explain how the quote helps you think deeper about the characters identity. Be specific. please have page numbers in quotes.

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Now we can both pretend we have friends. (Connor Murphy)

From this quote, we can infer that Connor knew Evan's fall wasn't an accident..... that he tried to jump from the tree. This comment creates a connection between the characters.

Where is everybody? Connor Murphy wasn't popular or well liked, but I assumed some people would be here. We all knew the kid, grew up with him, passed him in the halls. Doesn't that count for something? Where are Rox and Kristen Caballero and Alana Beck? They'll post something about Connor online but couldn't be bothered to pay their respects in person?"

From Evan's observation, we can infer that his intentions are genuine, but that he is unable to understand his peers' detachment from tragedy.

She's like an indentured servant, always rushing off to the hospital whenever she's called, never able to say no. If she did, they'd find someone else. And it's not like she has anything to fall back on. The degree she's been working toward at night seems a long way from bearing any fruit."

Evan resents his mother's work because it takes her away from him..... her desire to make things better for the two of them creates resentment.


Dear Evan Hansen