Count Belisarius

What is the author's style in the novel, Count Belisarius?

Count Belisarius

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Last updated by Jill W
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Count Belisarius is told as if it were a biography by Eugenius, beginning with the childhood of Belisarius and ending with Eugenius' musings about the merits of Belisarius' life. Graves himself called the book "a military manual," perhaps because of the many detailed accounts of battles and derring-do. But the novel is more than a fictionalized biography or a sensational account of ancient wars; it has a tone of fresh immediacy, as if its events happened only yesterday. Eugenius travels with Belisarius and Antonina on the military campaigns, and he writes as if each new event were only a day old, giving the narrative a "you are there" tone. The wealth of details about Belisarius' era blend into the novel's plot, enhancing the effect on the reader of visiting a very real, although unfamiliar, culture.

