
How does the author use foreshadowing in Christy?

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Catherine Marshall uses a great deal of foreshadowing in the novel. The observant reader see that Fairlight demonstrated her fear of the mountain the very first day Christy meets her, when Bob Allen is brought to the Spencer cabin for his brain surgery. "She nodded, but seemed preoccupied. Her eyes were focused on the sun setting behind the tall pinnacle opposite. I looked from her face to the peak. Rugged scenery certainly— majestic—but I did not understand her intense concentration on it. Then suddenly, the sun dipped and the shadow of the mountain fell across us, lying like a dark hand across the top of the ridge where we stood. I felt the woman beside me cringe, draw into herself, go rigid . . . the eyes in her lovely face were glazed, turned toward that peak across the valley, seeing not the mountain that had shut out the sun, but some specter I could not glimpse"

