Charlie Wilson's War

What is the author's style in Charlie Wilson's War by George Crile?

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The author tells this complicated story in third person. The book opens in the life of Charlie Wilson, gives his background, but, after a few chapters, switches to Gust Avrakotos. It then gives much of Avrakotos's childhood and early career before switching back to Wilson. Along with these perspectives, the author occasionally gives a human interest perspective, either by quoting a famous person in regards to the action as he does when he quotes Diane Sawyer's first take on the young Congressman Wilson. He also follows the solider in the action, sometimes the Soviets and sometimes the Afghans, to give the reader an eye into what it may feel like to be there. The changes in perspective give what could be a dull, text-like story more life.


BookRags, Charlie Wilson's War