
In Z Z Packer's "Brownies" what does Laura feel about her father?

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Laurel tells a story about an incident in a mall when she was there with her father. They saw a Mennonite family, dressed in their distinctive garb. Laurel’s father had told her that if someone asked the Mennonites to do something for the person, they would be compelled to do it, because it was part of their religion. Laurel’s father asked them to paint his porch, and the entire Mennonite family came and did so. Laurel’s father explained to her that he had asked them to do this because it would be the only time he would be able to see a white man on his knees doing something for a black man for free.

Laurel now understands why her father said that, although she does not agree with the sentiment. When Daphne asks if Laurel’s father had thanked the Mennonites, Laurel replies no, and she suddenly realizes that there is “something mean” in the world that she cannot stop.

