Bronx Masquerade

What is the symbolism of the mirror from Bronx Masquerade, pages 57-81?

from bronx masquarade

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The idea of the mirror symbolizes a self-examination. In the mirror, a person must see exactly what she is and there is no lying. To look in a mirror and be comfortable, one must be accepting of her flaws. This is difficult for women in society. It is interesting because Janelle and Judianne meet in front of the mirror and they see each other for what they are. Judianne is about to reveal her true self, but she stops and reverts to her nasty outer self. In Janelle's poem, a mirror is used to examine two women who are identical. The mirror shows the truth, but one woman cannot accept it. She smashes the mirror, thus she refuses to self-examine in an honest way.


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