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Boundaries, as the title suggest, are the focus of the book. A healthy boundary, in which one possesses a clear view of one's responsibilities and the responsibilities of others, brings satisfaction to one's life.

Proper boundaries solve some personal issues, such as depression and anxiety. The lack of such problems also allows one to live a better, more fulfilling life. Boundaries help in this area by allowing one to place limits on the investment of one's time and resources. With such limits in place, one feels less pressure to submit to every demand that comes along. Furthermore, when one knows that one's time is limited, one chooses tasks more carefully and invests time into task more efficiently. Thus, tasks that receive greater attention are more chance for completion, which in turn leads to satisfaction.

Boundaries also bring satisfaction in relationships. When one makes boundaries clear and honest, other people often respond positively. At least, others will quit making unnecessary demands upon one's time, because the honest boundaries are in place and one enforces them consistently. If the people in one's world do not respect one's boundaries, one should consider seeking out a more supportive group that honors the boundaries of others.

Finally, boundaries bring satisfaction in their inception. When one realizes that he/she has set forth healthy boundaries and kept them, he/she feels satisfaction at the accomplishment of limits within his/her life.


Boundaries: When to Say YES; When to Say NO to Take Control of Your Life