Born at Midnight

Who is Kylie Galen from Born at Midnight and what is their importance?

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Kylie is sixteen when her father moves out of their house, leaving Kylie alone with her mother. She's devastated by the loss and immediately blames her mother though she later comes to realize the breakup was a combination of factors, including her own parentage. Kylie believes she has been raised by her biological parents but comes to learn that she's actually the daughter of Daniel Brighton who was killed in war. With this knowledge, and the fact that her father is having an affair with a much younger woman, Kylie matures quickly. Kylie can see ghosts and is struggling as the story opens to understand her gift. She is recognized by a fairy who suggests Kylie go to a summer camp designed for others with supernatural gifts, though the camp is disguised as a place for troubled teens. Kylie fights for some time against the idea that she might be something other than human and goes so far as to hope the brain patterns seen by other supernatural campers is actually a brain tumor. Kylie is a strong character though she doesn't recognize that strength in herself. While Kylie is struggling to come to terms with her life and her powers, she helps those around her. When her best friend fears she's gotten pregnant, Kylie talks to her for hours putting her own crises on hold. When she learns her cabin mate needs blood, Kylie overcomes her repulsion and provides her share.