Blood and Chocolate

What is the author's style in Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause?

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The story is told from Vivian's point of view in the third-person narrative. Vivian is the main character of the story and the events of the book are focused on her experiences. Vivian is a mostly sympathetic character, and by telling the story from her point of view, it helps the reader to understand her and relate to her better. In many ways she acts like a normal teenage girl, but in others she is very different. This is because she is a werewolf and a completely different species from humans. The author wants the reader to remember this, and to feel a little distance from Vivian because of it. The reader feels sorry for her at points and admires her at others, but does not always agree with her decisions and morals. Sometimes her actions can be off-putting or even a little repulsive, such as when she savages Astrid. By telling the story from her point of view, but not in first person, the author ensures that Vivian is sympathetic, but that an appropriate level of distance between her and the reader is maintained.


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