Black Light: Stories

What is Vacuum cleaner in "Foxes"?


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The narrator's vacuum cleaner in "Foxes" is a symbol of self-censure she frequently references to acknowledge she is not a perfect parent or homemaker. "I've been meaning to vacuum," she explains, "but the machine is in the upstairs closet, heavy with a full bag, a whole skein of orange yarn caught around one of the bristles" (70). She refers back to this symbol several times, and finally declares, after spilling her sherry while listening to her daughter's story, "I'll take the kitchen scissors upstairs to the vacuum cleaner and cut the yarn, do that part at least. I've decided that will be my first step, should I choose to take it" (85-6). Will she do this? It's impossible to say, as she is an unreliable narrator, and it is difficult to take her at her word.