Being Dead (novel)

Describe Joseph and Celine in Being Dead.


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Neither is attractive, physically or as a character. Joseph is a bore who wears a T-shirt blazoned with “Dolbear's formula (for estimating air temperature by the frequency of insect stridulations),” and he is known for his coldness at the Institute where he directs research. Celice is feistier, and likes to remind her students that natural science is concerned with “death and violence,” before banging a book shut for emphasis at her “practised, closing joke”: “I don't believe that any student's perished at my hands. Yet.” She finds Joseph irritating, but it wasn't always so. Although Joseph is well under average height, leading to his self-deprecating catchphrase “I'm far too short to—” (dance, flirt, or whatever), he has a surprisingly deep singing voice. This is what first attracted Celice to him, and on a coastal field trip he added to it by showing her his trick (“My only trick”). His research speciality, the sprayhopper, Pseudogryllicus pelagicus, will not jump when you blow on it, or even touch it, but if it is blown on wetly, it will jump at once.

