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Emma decided to break one of the biggest rules that one could imagine. She decided to disguise herself as a man and enlist in the Union Army. Emma decided to take path that was fraught with lies and uncertainty. Standing in the line at the recruitment center, she naturally feared exposure. However, when she was approved—luckily the physical exam had been foregone—she had to take an oath and swear that she had told the recruiting officer the truth, that she was Franklin Thompson and would fight to protect and serve the Union. She lived as a man for two years. While she without question helped the Union cause, there is no getting around the fact that her service was based on lies.

When Emma was twenty-one, President Abraham Lincoln rallied the young men of America to join the Army to help in the fight to save the Union in the Civil War. Once she fooled the recruiting officers and was sworn in as an officer, her path took off in an unexpected direction. When a Union spy was captured and executed, Emma—who was known as Pvt. Franklin Thompson—volunteered to fill the position. She devised a convincing disguise, becoming "Cuff", a male black slave. After this first mission, she had ten other dangerous assignments that took her behind enemy lines. She gathered crucial intelligence that help Union commanders wage successful campaigns against the rebel forces.

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