Autobiography of a Face

Compare and contrast Lucy's chemo/radiation appointments with her mother versus her father.

How is her relationship different between the two

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Mrs. Grealy masks her fear for Lucy's life during the illness by urging Lucy to be brave. It seems evident that she deals with fear by refusing to seem afraid. Toward that end, she also wants Lucy to show no fear. After the second chemo treatment, Lucy goes directly to bed. Her mother tells her that she has to be certain of the reason for going to bed. She seems to want to be sure that Lucy reacts only to the real symptoms of her illness and that she doesn't show any fear. In some ways, Mrs. Grealy may seem cold. but Lucy talks of her mother's whispered comfort during a particular chemo. Mrs. Grealy touched Lucy and whispers to her daughter not to cry.

Mr. Grealy is much less involved in Lucy's treatments. She notes that he sometimes talks to her and seems to want her to reassure him that she's alright.


Autobiography of a Face